Below you see a bookcase that holds all my TBR books....
The top shelf is filled with books that I currently have checked out from the library. The bottom 3 shelves, plus another shelf in the living room with my autographed books, hold all the books that I own that I still need to read. Currently numbered at 82 books. Yup. That's a lot.
I picked up most of these books at conferences, yard sales, used bookstores, and my library's Friends. The problem I'm having is that I keep acquiring more books, but I am only reading the ones checked out from the library.
To be fair, I only buy books after I do a little research. I don't just grab everything I see. I check Goodreads to see how the reviews fair and to see if any of my friends have read it. Still, when I am getting to the point of sneaking books into the house so the BF doesn't see, I know I have to do something.
I have decided to challenge myself to read one of these books per week and maybe even right a quick review on it. For the most part, they are old school romance. There is a lot of old Diana Palmer, Lisa Kleypas, Jude Deveraux, Julie Garwood, and some Nora Roberts There is some general adult fiction, ya, and nonfiction, but mostly romance.
Wish me luck.
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