Hello Libraryland Friends,
Most of you have probably already heard about Google+. I had seen a few little tidbits about it, mostly facebook status saying "Oooooh love Google+." or "Not getting Google+". When I got to work on Tuesday, one of the other librarians was explaining it to some of us. She described it as Skype meets FB. My thoughts? "I don't need another social network to become addicted too." So I decided no Google+ for me.....until I got home and there was an invite waiting on me. Then I promptly joined and have been spending the last few days trying to
What I like:
- The Video Chat
- The different circles
- you can see how certain people view your profile
- its not overwhelming
- Its exclusive
- Like any new fad, it takes a minute to figure out.
- Not a lot of people have joined so I haven't seen a lot of new information yet.
Random fact? over 80% of Google+ users, as of right now, are male....
Also, I have noticed that some websites allow for a +1 feature when wanting to share an article. I have added this feature to this blog. Any thoughts on Google+ ?